Anthony Cavaluzzi Master of Manipulation

Anthony Cavaluzzi is a master at manipulating people to believe that he is something that he is not. He and his company, Profit Management Solutions LLC, have successfully conned several businesses into believing that he is a mastermind at understanding tax law, corporate finance, and profit management. Cavaluzzi, aside from his consultancy business, has very little true experience at managing a business. Sadly, the con that Cavaluzzi has run since 1998 continues to grow 25 years later ensnaring new businesses for him to defraud. He recently boasted that he now employs over 100 employees in three different satellite offices. Ninety percent of his employees have no idea what the company actually does. Their roles, employment, and compensation depend on high pressuring prospects into appointments where Cavaluzzi and his team strong arm business owners into high priced consultant services that don’t produce anything.

In a recent interview, Cavaluzzi championed the mantra that you “have to spend money to make money” which is a part of he and his team’s sales pitch. Using this pitch along with lofty promises, he weasels his way into your business asking to observe every part of your company charging obscene amounts of money hourly for the privilege to be scrutinized by him and his merry band of idiots. They will run meetings ordering expensive meals and foot you with the bill. He makes recommendations to work with other “trusted venders” that he claims will help “optimize” and improve “efficiency” but really its an extension of the scam to push people to his shady friends that run similarly questionable companies. At the end of his examination he and his team will offer little to no solutions of any value, certainly not worth the amount of money that he charges you for his service. One company that worked with Profit Management Solutions LLC even noted that the final report of their business audit was to get out of business completely. How does someone justify advice like that for the amount of money that you were paid?

Cavaluzzi is skilled at ensuring that you don’t see behind the mask that he has created. He has a branding strategy that involves flooding Google and social media by using small websites to multiply his branding signal throughout the web. This strategy limits the ability for prospective clients to effectively do their due diligence and see the truth about Cavaluzzi and Profit Management Solutions LLC. He has even begun to refer to himself as a Tax Attorney even though he does not hold a law degree. Like a vampire, Cavaluzzi is always on the hunt for fresh prey to suck the life out of. Profit Management Solutions LLC is a company killer and need to be criminally prosecuted before they take down more small businesses.

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